Climax BB5000 Adjustable Range Facing Head User Manual
For the bb5000 portable boring machine

Broad facing diameter range
Facing range is 2.5 - 18 inches (63.5 -
457.2 mm).
Easy, flexible setup and operation
The adjustable facing head will face
in either direction.
Switch from boring to facing in a
matter of minutes.
Quickly mount the facing head
anywhere on the boring bar while
the bar is still mounted in the bore;
saves time and helps get your job
done quickly.
Useable in tight, restricted spaces
Unique design allows you to
perform facing operations in tight
restricted spaces.
Minimum swing diameter using the
9 inch (228.6 mm) lead screw is 10
inches (254 mm).
Shorten the lead screw to reduce
the minimum swing diameter to 9
inches (228.6 mm).
System includes a set of 9 inch
(228.6 mm) and 12 inch (304.8
mm) lead screws.
(See diagrams on reverse side for
minimum and maximum swing
Features automatic radial feed and
instant reverse
Automatic radial feed is provided by
a trip-activated feed mechanism that
advances 0.01 inches (0.25 mm) per
Feed direction can be safely stopped
or reversed instantly while the unit is
operating, without reaching into the
rotating equipment.
Technical Information:
Facing head mounts anywhere on
the bar.
Radial feed with dual lead screws
and single point tool holder.
Includes one each 0.5 inch (12.7
mm) carbide and HSS square tool
Shipping weight: 32 lbs. (15 Kg)
Container dimensions: (L, W, H)
20 x 10 x 11 inches (508 x 254
279.4 mm)
B B 5 0 0 0 A d j u s t a b l e R a n g e F a c i n g H e a d A c c e s s o r y
B r i n g i n g t h e s o l u t i o n t o y o u .
F E A T U R E S • T E C H N I C A L D A T A
For the BB5000 Portable Boring Machine
Portable Machine Tools, Inc.
BB5000 facing head, two single arm bearing mounts, mechanical axial feed, rotational
drive unit,and 120V electric drive motor with variable speed controller in Climax's
assembly shop repairing a large weldment. The face needed to be cut flat, the bore
opened up, and a new counter bore added for clearance of a part being assembled
through the weldment. Notice that the single arm bearing mounts are mounted at a
10-degree angle off of square from the bar. The Climax-patented spherical bearing
mounts ensure proper alignment and extremely fast setup time, and prevent the drive,
bearings and bar from binding up in an off-square setup.
Ask us about the Climax Adjustable
Facing and Grooving Head accessory
to add even more capability to your
BB5000 Portable Boring Machine