Specifications – Climax AC5000 AUTOCLAD COMPLETE MACHINE User Manual
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All dimensions should be considered reference. Contact your Climax Representative for precision dimensions. Specifications are subject to change without notice. There are no systems or components
on this machine that are capable of producing hazardous EMC, UV or other radiation hazards. The machine does not use lasers nor does it create hazardous materials such as gasses or dust.
AC5000 Small Frame Machine (10 inch (254.0 mm) Chuck Base Unit)
Machine Performance Range
Minimum bore diameter, MIG
1.2 inches
30.5 mm
Minimum bore diameter, TIG
2.0 inches
50.8 mm
Maximum bore diameter
10 inches
254 mm
Maximum flange diameter (swing)
13.75 inches
350 mm
Available stroke lengths
18, 24, 36 and 48 inches
457, 609, 914 and 1,219 mm
Cross slide stroke (radial adjustment) 2.9 inches
73.7 mm
Maximum work piece weight
150 lbs
68 kg
Amperage at 100% duty cycle
200 Amp
200 Amp
Torch type
MIG or TIG water cooled
MIG or TIG water cooled
Wire size
0.035 or 0.045
0.9 mm or 1.2 mm
Machine height, maximum
95 inches
2413.0 mm
Machine operating weight, approx.
525 lbs.
238.1 kg
AC5000 Large Frame Machine (20 inch (508.0 mm) Chuck Base Unit)
Machine Performance Range
Minimum bore diameter, MIG
1.2 inches
30.5 mm
Maximum bore diameter, MIG
22.0 inches
558.8 mm
Minimum bore diameter, TIG
2.0 inches
50.8 mm
Maximum bore diameter, TIG
19.0 inches
482.6 mm
Maximum flange diameter (swing)
32 inches
812.8 mm
Available stroke lengths
18, 24, 36 and 48 inches
457, 609, 914 and 1,219 mm
Cross slide stroke (radial adjustment) 2.9 inches
73.7 mm
Maximum work piece weight
550 lbs
249.5 kg
Amperage at 100% duty cycle
200 Amp
200 Amp
Torch type
MIG or TIG water cooled
MIG or TIG water cooled
Wire size
0.035 or 0.045
0.9 mm or 1.2 mm
Machine height, maximum
95 inches
2413.0 mm
Machine operating weight, approx.
1285 lbs
582.9 kg