Atec Agilent-8480 Series User Manual
Page 16

Figure 2 shows the typical uncertainty in making a relative power measurement, using the same power meter channel and
same power sensor to obtain the reference and the measured values, and assumes that negligible change in frequency and
mismatch error occur when transitioning from the power level used as the reference to the power level being measured.
If the temperature changes after calibration and you choose not to re-calibrate the sensor, the following additional
Power Linearity error should be added to the linearity specs in Table 10:
The typical maximum additional Power Linearity error due to temperature change after calibration, for small changes in
temperature, is
±0.15%/ ºC (valid after zeroing the sensor).
For large changes in temperature, refer to Table 11.
Typical maximum additional Power Linearity error due to temperature change after calibration
at 25 ºC for any change in temperature (valid after zeroing the sensor)
Table 11
Additional Power
Additional Power
Linearity error
Linearity error
(25 ˚C ± 10 ˚C)
(0 – 55 ˚C)
E9300A, E9301A
-60 to –10 dBm
-10 to 0 dBm
0 to +20 dBm
E9300B, E9301B
-30 to +20 dBm
+20 to +30 dBm
+30 to +44 dBm
E9300H, E9301H
-50 to 0 dBm
0 to +10 dBm
+10 to 30 dBm
-10 dBm
A+20 dBm
60 dBm
B+44 dBm, H+30 dBm
+20 dBm,
0 dBm
-30 dBm,
- 50 dBm
A -60 dBm
-10 dBm
+20 dBm
B -30 dBm
+20 dBm
+44 dBm
H -50 dBm
0 dBm
+30 dBm
Figure 2; Relative Mode Power Measurement Linearity with an EPM series power meter, at 25 ºC
±10 ºC (typical):