ATAS CastleTop User Manual
Page 3

Hip & Ridge Detail
Headwall Detail
Shed Ridge Detail
Hip and ridge applications are handled
in the same manner.
1. Install Castle Top roof shingles to meet at hip/ridge.
2. Apply expandable sealant tape to ridge cap; place
just behind returned edge of cap.
3. Secure the cap with 2” x 5/16” painted gasketed
screws on each side of ridge at approximately 2’-0” o.c.
Make sure the screw penetrates soft cell closure
between metals.
Note: Make sure to fasten the caps to the high point on
the shingle in order to avoid dimpling, and make sure the
screw penetrates the cap through the expandable
sealant tape into the solid substrate. Ridge caps can
accommodate standard ridge venting products. Refer to
venting manufacturer’s instructions and local building
code requirements.
1. Install the shingles up to the headwall.
2. Depending on wall treatment, cut reglet in wall.
3. Apply soft cell closure tape to the headwall trim just
behind returned hem of headwall.
4. Lay headwall trim over shingles while insuring that the
perpendicular section is flush to the wall.
5. Secure the headwall with 2” x 5/16” painted gasketed
screws at approximately 2’-0” o.c. Make sure the screw
penetrates soft cell closure between metals.
6. Install counterflashing or wall treatment over headwall.
1. Install metal shingle up to the roof peak.
2. Apply soft cell closure tape on the inside of the shed ridge
cap just above the hem.
3. Lay shed ridge trim over shingles while insuring that the
cap is tight against the peak.
4. Secure shed ridge cap with 2” x 5/16” painted gasketed
screws at 24” o.c., making sure to fasten through tape and
shingle into solid substrate.
Castle Top Shingle
2” Ring Shank
Grommetted Nail
2” x 5/16” Painted
Gasketed Screw
Ridge/Hip Cap
Soft Cell Closure Tape
Castle Top Shingle
2” Ring Shank
Grommetted Nail
2” x 5/16” Painted
Gasketed Screw
Soft Cell Closure Tape
Wall Treatment
Castle Top Shingle
2” Ring Shank
Grommetted Nail
Shed Ridge
Soft Cell
Closure Tape
2” x 5/16” Painted
Gasketed Screw