ATAS CastleTop User Manual
Installation guide

Up-turned edge
Alignment mark
Alignment Point
Locking Tab
Down-turned Edge
fastening holes
Locking Tab
Connecting Area
Backer Board
Shingle Layout
It is recommended to apply
waterproof membrane, such as
ATA-Shield**, at eave, gable, and
valley. Place ATA-Guard*
underlayment up from the eave.
For re-roof applications, remove
the extended roof material and old
drip edge. After Starter Trim is
installed (see page 2), snap a
horizontal chalk line at 8 3/8” from
the edge after squaring up eave.
Snap vertical lines at 11 1/8” o.c.
Line-up shingle corners with chalk
lines to assure square alignment of
the shingles. To aid in squaring of
shingle, make sure alignment
points meet at the alignment mark
of the lower course. Shingles are
secured with three fasteners per
Helpful hint: to square-up the
shingle, line up the top hole with the
vertical line.
Installation Guide
Review and understand
complete guide before
beginning installation.
This guide has been prepared
as suggested details to
particular design conditions.
Each condition has certain
limitations to performance, aesthetics
or economics. Professionals qualified to assess the
information regarding suitability for a specific project
should determine that the selection and installation
are made to their requirements. ATAS cannot assume
any responsibility for the actual selection and/or
installation of materials. The panels, flashings and trim
shown in this guide, illustrated over solid and plumb
substrate, assume that the structure has been
designed and prepared in accordance with local
building codes.
CastleTop is a diamond shaped flat metal shingle. These shingles have a unique
locking feature that allow for easy installation. The overlapping shingles have a
turned down edge on the lower front and a turned up edge on the upper front.
The panel is 15 3/4” square, net coverage is 13 5/8” x 13 5/8”. There are approximately
78 shingles per 100 square feet. The CastleTop shingle is packed 39 shingles
per carton, which equates to approximately half of a square.
Valley @
Dormer Area
Eave Line
Strike square horizontal chalk line
at shingle course as a “benchmark”
to work at opposite side of valley.
alk lin
r fir
st cour
Published panel width dimensions are to be considered as nominal dimensions. Overall panel
width dimensions may vary during installation due to adjustments to accommodate as built roof