Alpha Technologies Cordex Controller Ver.2.0 User Manual
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034-136-C0 Rev B WC
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Example Three – Configure (Battery Temperature sensors)
From this window, the Supervisor can configure the Battery Temperature signal and sensors.
Use the pull-down menu to set the decimal precision and tap/toggle the check boxes to enable
sensor(s) for battery temperature as shown in the following example:
Figure 51–Controller Signals configuration example three (enable temperature sensors)
Example Four – Configure ADIO01 (Shunt MUX)
Under the menu item Configure Signals, the Supervisor can configure the input range of each of
16 channels for the Cordex Shunt MUX.
1. Select channel (CH15 in the example below) and then Configure.
2. The window changes to show a list (for review) of the input range of each channel. Multiple
channels can be selected for the new value. Select channels and then Set Range to configure
(or select the
icon to accept the list and return to the previous window).
3. The virtual numeric keypad enables editing of the input range. Select the X icon to return to the
previous window or select the
icon to accept the new setting.
Figure 52–Controller Signals configuration example four
(configure input range for Shunt MUX channels)
A message will indicate that the selected devices have been configured with the new setting.
Select the X icon to return to the first window.
Example Five – Midpoint Voltage Error
The following is an example of a Custom Signal configured for an analog input (GP4) reading
the midpoint voltage of the battery (or system). A Custom Alarm is then configured to track the
signal deviations.
Figure 53–Controller Signals configuration example five (part one)
(configure custom signal for input reading midpoint voltage)
NOTE: To Customize, review 7.1 Advanced Programming Example and Custom Alarms.
The text labels may be edited using the web interface of the CXC and are provided here
as default labels for demonstration purposes only.
Check boxes are disabled if the input is not
a temperature input. User cannot enable.
Set input range to shunt
size (in Amperes/50mV)
For the Custom Signal equation, the midpoint voltage of the
battery (from GP4) is doubled and then subtracted from the
total voltage reading provided by the Battery Voltage signal.
An absolute value yields a positive integer.