YSI 556 MPS User Manual
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YSI Incorporated
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When appropriate, an authorized YSI service center will remove this battery
and properly dispose of it, per service and repair policies.
YSI Rechargeable Battery Pack Safety Information
Restrictions on Usage
1. Never dispose of the battery pack in a fire.
2. Do not attempt to disassemble the YSI 6117 battery pack
3. Do not tamper with any of the electronic components or the
batteries within the battery pack. Tampering with either the
electronic circuitry or the batteries will result in the voiding of the
warranty and the compromising of the system performance, but,
more importantly, can cause safety hazards which result from
overcharging such as overheating, venting of gas, and loss of
corrosive electrolyte.
4. Do not charge the battery pack outside the 0–40°C temperature
5. Do not use or store the battery at high temperature, such as in strong
direct sunlight, in cars during hot weather, or directly in front of
6. Do not expose the battery pack to water or allow the terminals to
become damp.
7. Avoid striking or dropping the battery pack. If the pack appears to
have sustained damage from these actions or malfunctions after an
impact or drop, the user should not attempt to repair the unit.
Instead, contact YSI Customer Service. Refer to Appendix E
Customer Service.
8. If the battery pack is removed from the YSI 556 MPS, do not store
it in pockets or packaging where metallic objects such as keys can
short between the positive and negative terminals.
Precautions for Users with Small Children.
Keep the battery pack out of reach of babies and small children.
Danger Notifications – Misuse creates a STRONG possibility of death or
serious injury.