Northbridge configuration – Acer AW2000h-AW170h User Manual
Page 80
4 System BIOS
Inlet Temperature - This is the temperature detected at the chassis
inlet. Steps are in 0.5 °C increments. The default is [070]. Press "+"
or "-" on your keyboard to change this value.
Temperature Rise - This is the temperature rise to the DIMM
thermal zone. Steps are in 0.5 °C increments. The default is [020].
Press "+" or "-" on your keyboard to change this value.
Air Flow - This is the air flow speed to the DIMM modules. Each
step is one mm/sec. The default is [1500]. Press "+" or "-" on your
keyboard to change this value.
Altitude - This feature defines how many meters above or below
sea level the system is located.
DIMM Pitch - This is the physical space between each DIMM
module. Each step is 1/1000 of an inch. The default is [400]. Press
"+" or "-" on your keyboard to change this value.
NorthBridge configuration
This feature allows you to configure the settings for the Intel
NorthBridge chip.
Intel I/OAT: Significantly reduces CPU overhead by leveraging CPU
architectural improvements, freeing resources for other tasks.
DCA Technology: Uses Intel's DCA (Direct Cache Access) Technology to
enhance data transfer effi ciency.
DCA Prefetch Delay: Used with TOE components to prefetch data in
order to shorten execution cycles and maximize data processing effi
ciency. Prefetching too frequently can saturate the cache directory and