Eeprom, Leds, Car1212dc series dc-dc converter – GE Industrial Solutions CAR1212DC series User Manual

Page 13: Data sheet, Input: -36v, Output: 12v, Or 5 v, Control and read accuracy

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Data Sheet

CAR1212DC series DC-DC converter

Input: -36V


to -75V


; Output: 12V


@ 1200W; 3.3V


or 5 V


@ 1A

October 21, 2013

©2013 General Electric Company. All rights reserved.

Page 13

the Vprog pin is used for setting initial conditions, if different that

the factory setting. Software programming then takes over once I



communications are established.

Vout_OV[OT]_fault_limit (40[4F]):

Provides the capability to change

the OV[OT] shutdown limit. No sanity check exists to ensure that the

changed value is within the expected range. However, if the value

exceeds the maximum limit, the program will default to the

maximum value.

Vout_OV[OT]_warn_limit (42[51]):

OV[OT]_warning is extremely

useful because it gives the system controller a heads up that the

output voltage/temperature is drifting out of regulation and the

power supply is close to shutting down. Preemptive action may be

taken before the power supply would shut down and potentially

disable the system.

OC and OT_fault_ response (47, 50):

The default response for OC is

latched on fault. The response for OT is auto_restart once internal

temperatures cool down.

Restart after a latch off:

Either of four restart possibilities are

available. The hardware pin Remote ON/OFF may be turned OFF

and then ON. The unit may be commanded to restart via i2c

through the Operation command by first turning OFF then turning

ON . The third way to restart is to remove and reinsert the unit. The

fourth way is to turn OFF and then turn ON ac power to the unit.

The fifth way is by changing firmware from latch off to restart.

Each of these commands must keep the power supply in the OFF

state for at least 2 seconds, with the exception of changing to

A power system that is comprised of a number of power supplies

could have difficulty restarting after a shutdown event because of

the non-synchronized behavior of the individual power supplies.

Implementing the latch-off mechanism permits a synchronized

restart that guarantees the simultaneous restart of the entire

A synchronous restart can be implemented by;
1. Issuing a GLOBAL OFF and then ON command to all power


2. Toggling Off and then ON the Remote ON/OFF signal

3. Removing and reapplying input commercial power to the entire

The power supplies should be turned OFF for at least 20 – 30

seconds in order to discharge all internal bias supplies and reset the

soft start circuitry of the individual power supplies.


Auto-restart is the default configuration for

recovering from over-current and over-temperature shutdowns.
An overvoltage shutdown is followed by three attempted restarts,

each restart delayed 1 second, within a 1 minute window. If within

the 1 minute window three attempted restarts failed, the unit will

latch OFF. If less than 3 shutdowns occur within the 1 minute

window then the count for latch OFF resets and the 1 minute

window starts all over again.

Status_word (79):

returns two bytes of information. The upper byte

bit functionality is tabulated in the Status_word section. The lower

byte bit functionality is identical to Status_byte.

Fan_speed (3B):

Fan speed can be controlled either by changing the

RPM or duty cycle via register 3B. Selection of RPM or duty cycle

control is accomplished by bit 6 of the FAN_CONFIG_1_2 (3A)

command. The default mode is xxxx The speed of the fan cannot be

reduced below what the power supply requires for its operation.

The number represented in register D6 is an unsigned number, it is

not in linear format.

Mfr_ID (99):

Manufacturer in ASCII – 5 characters maximum,

General Electric – Critical Power represented as,

Mfr-revision (9B):

Total 4 bytes

Each byte is partitioned into high and low nibbles.

Example: FF is read as 16.16

11 is read as 1.1


Hardware Rev

Primary µC

Secondary µC

Mfr_serial (9E):

Product serial number includes the manufacturing

date, manufacturing location in up to 15 characters. For example:
13KZ51018193xxx, is decoded as;
13 – year of manufacture, 2013
KZ – manufacturing location, in this case Matamoros
51 – week of manufacture
018193xxx – serial #, mfr choice

note: if the additional xxx space is not utilized then F’s are filled

in, (i.e. 018193FFF), ensuring that the actual serial number is clearly


Invalid commands or data:

The power supply notifies the MASTER if

a non-supported command has been sent or invalid data has been

received. Notification is implemented by setting the appropriate

STATUS and ALARM registers and setting the SMBAlert# flag. An

invalid command always returns a value of 0 x 00.

Control and Read accuracy:

The estimates below are believed to be reasonable under most

operating conditions. However, these are typical numbers and not

hard bound values that cannot be exceeded. In most nominal

operating conditions the returned values are significantly better

than these estimates.




± 3%


± 3%


± 4% of FL


± 5°C



± 3%


± 4% of FL


± 5°C



The microcontroller has 96 bytes of EEPROM memory available for

the system host.

Another separate EEPROM IC will provide another 128 bytes of

memory with write protect feature.


Three LEDs are located on the front faceplate. When the LEDs are

ON GREEN then input and output are normal.

When the FAULT_LED is RED, then a fault condition exists and the

power supply may not provide output power. The table below

further defines these states:


Accuracy is estimated near the shutdown point around 100°C. At lower

temperatures the accuracy is much reduced.


Accuracy is estimated near the shutdown point around 100°C. At lower

temperatures the accuracy is much reduced.