Ocean Optics Jaz Install User Manual

Page 15

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1: Introduction



Jaz EL 200-XR1 for both VIS/NIR and UV/VIS applications

Jaz Spectrometer

Grating #31 (200-1050 nm)

Detector 200-1050 nm

INTSMA-25 (25mm slit)

L2 light collection lens

Battery module

SpectraSuite software

Jaz-FL-365 for fluorescence applications


JAZ-L365 (365 mm LED module)

JAZ-B battery module

JAZ-E Ethernet module

Grating #2 (250-800 nm)

Detector 250-800 nm

INTSMA-200 (200mm slit)

L2 light collection lens

SpectraSuite software

Jaz-FL-450 for fluorescence applications


JAZ-L450 (450 mm LED module)

JAZ-B battery module

JAZ-E Ethernet module

Grating #3 (350-1000 nm)

Detector 350-1000 nm

INTSMA-200 (200mm slit)

L2 light collection lens

SpectraSuite Operating Software. See

About SpectraSuite

for more information.

OmniDriver software driver package for Windows, Mac OSX and Linux operating systems.

JAZ-A-IRRAD absolute irradiance application.

Available on an SD card for onboard absolute irradiance measurements. See

Jaz Absolute

Irradiance Installation and Operation Manual

for more information.

Jaz Scripting Language. Allows you to write scripts for your Jaz system to perform simple data
acquisition, processing and exporting of results to an SD card.

Jaz Application Programming Interface (API) enables 3


party development for Jaz.

NeoFox Sport

Available as an additional module (JAZ-NEOFOX), when coupled with a probe, light source
module and spectrometer module, the NeoFox Sport offers a turnkey Oxygen and pH sensing
instrument, along with spectrometer functionality in a convenient handheld, portable device. See

NeoFox and NeoFox Sport Installation and Operation Manual

for more information.