Options: display line positions from database – Ocean Optics SpecLine Offline Spectroscopy User Manual

Page 40

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A: Reference



Polynomial filter

According to the Savatzky-Golay technique, the polynomial order and the filter width must be specified
for the polynomial filter.

Set noise values

For finding peaks of lines and band structures, a noise value is necessary to distinguish between signal
and noise. SpecLine calculates this value automatically from the data. To change this value, check the box
and enter the value. For a first run, it is recommended that you calculate the noise value automatically.
The extracted standard values are displayed in the edit box and can then be changed, if necessary.


This field enables you to set the following optional parameters:

 Check Apply only to displayed data to search for peaks and identify lines and band structures

only in the displayed part of the spectrum. This can save time, especially if the spectral data
consists of a large number of data points.

 Check Display smoothed data to display the smoothed spectrum in the diagram.

Save as default

Select this option to save the current values as default values when this dialog box is closed.

Display options...

Click this button to open the Display Options dialog box, in which you can change the display of the
results in the spectrum and in the results tables.

Load configuration...

Click this button to load a stored configuration (atom and molecule selection, filter, hit interval,...) for the
spectrum’s line identification process.

Save configuration...

Click this button to save the current configuration for the spectrum’s line identification process.

Options: Display Line Positions From Database

According to selection in this dialog the database will be searched for lines of atoms, ions and molecules
and they will be displayed in the spectrum.