Ocean Optics SpecLine Offline Spectroscopy User Manual

Page 38

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A: Reference




Click on the atom(s) in the periodic table to be considered in the line identification of the spectrum.
Selected atoms have green background color. A red border indicates that molecules containing this atom
are also selected. Use the Context menu by clicking the right mouse button to select and deselect all
atoms and molecules.


This field lists all molecules containing at least one of the atoms selected in the periodic table. Check the
box in front of the molecule for the line identification process. Use the Context menu by clicking the
right mouse button to select and deselect all listed molecules.

Selected Elements

This list contains all atoms and molecules selected for the line identification process. You can use this list
as a summary and check.

Hit interval

Use this field to specify how precisely the peak wavelength must fit the wavelength from the database. If
the value from the database lies within the limits of the hit interval, the line or band is selected for
identification. If no lines are identified, either the hit interval is too small or the element selection is

Intensity range

If you want to identify lines only in a given intensity range, please check the box and specify a lower and
upper limit of the intensity range. Lines are set to be identified, if the value of the relative intensity given
in the database lies in the specified intensity range. The unit of the specified values must correspond to
the selection in the dialog Display Options.

Neutrals and Ions (single and multiple ionized)

Specify which types of selected elements should be scanned in the line identification process.

Save as default

Select this option when closing the dialog box to save the current values as the default values.

Display options...

Click this button to open the Display Options dialog box, in which you can change the display of the
results in the spectrum and in the results tables.

Load configuration...

Click this button to load a stored configuration (atom and molecule selection, filter, hit interval,...) for the
spectrum’s line identification process.