Chapter 3, Operation, Opening a data file – Ocean Optics SpecLine Offline Spectroscopy User Manual

Page 11: Converting the wavelength format, Adjusting the wavelength in spectral data

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Chapter 3


Opening a Data File


1. Select File | Open from the menu.

2. The Format drop-down list contains all file format currently supported by SpecLine. Choose the

desired file format from the list and click OK.

3. If the wavelength unit of the spectra is not given in nanometers, SpecLine suggests a conversion

of the given data. The wavelength unit nanometer is necessary for the line identification process.
Please refer to the instructions in the

Converting the Wavelength Format


The spectrum is displayed entirely in the diagram.

Converting the Wavelength Format

For identifying the atomic lines and molecular bands from the database the wavelength format of the
spectra must be given in nanometers. If your data comes with a different format, SpecLine suggests a data
conversion while opening the file. Of course, you can also convert the data later by selecting the menu
command Edit | Wavelength Format or by clicking the

button in the tool bar.

In the Wavelength Format dialog box, you must select the wavelength format in which your data is
stored. If your data is given in Angstroms or wave number, the conversion is done immediately. However,
if your data is given in points or pixels, the Wavelength Scaling dialog box is opened. Here you must
specify either wavelength values for two pixels or one wavelength value for one pixel and the dispersion

After you click OK to confirm your choice, the data is converted to nanometers.

Adjusting the Wavelength in Spectral Data

Often the wavelength must be adjusted, because the wavelength scaling of the measurement is not correct
or different spectra can only be compared if the wavelength scales match exactly. With SpecLine, you can
adjust the wavelength by one of the following methods:

1. Select the menu command Edit | Scaling or click the

button to open the Scaling dialog box,

which is available for all displayed spectra. You can shift, stretch or compress the spectra in