Line information window – Ocean Optics SpecLine Offline Spectroscopy User Manual

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A: Reference



You can open as many Diagram windows as you like. In each Diagram window, up to twelve spectra
(even with different file formats) can be opened, displayed and evaluated.

The diagram consists of a frame with title and axis labels. The spectra are displayed in color or black and
white. In addition, a grid of lines and a legend with specific information can be inserted.

Lines and band structures found by the peak finding process are marked with a red triangle. If they are
identified, they are also labeled with the element name and wavelength. These marked and identified
atomic lines and molecular bands can be selected with the left mouse button. The currently selected line is
indicated by a frame around the marking and label.

Line Information Window

The Line Information window displays all identified lines of atoms and ions and all molecular bands for
the selected line. On top the wavelength and intensity of the selected line from the spectra is given
followed by the Lines identified table, in which each row contains specific information from the database: