Line identification – Ocean Optics SpecLine Offline Spectroscopy User Manual

Page 36

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A: Reference




Specify the information to be displayed in the legend and where the legend appears in the diagram.

Text font

Select the text font of the labels. You can change it by clicking Change and selecting another font from
the given list.

Line Identification

To activate line identification, by select the Identification | Open Line Identification menu command.
The Line Identification dialog box appears, allowing you to control the peak finding and line
identification processes.

Identify spectrum

Depending on your selection, a peak finding and/or a line identification process is carried out. After
finding all line peaks in the spectrum, the Find peaks process can be switched off.

Display line positions from database

The line positions from the database will be displayed in the spectrum.

Information Window

The information window keeps track of the current status of the peak finding and line identification
processes and records all previous actions.


The Start button launches peak finding, line identification, and/or the database search according to the
specified parameters.