Database search – Ocean Optics SpecLine Offline Spectroscopy User Manual
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3: Operation
In the Excel (CSV), ASCII and binary formats, only spectral data is saved, whereas in the SpecLine
format, the data from the spectrum identification and database search is saved as well.
For presentations, the entire diagram can be exported in several graphic formats.
The File | Export... menu command exports the diagram in a graphic format. You specify this format and
the file name in the Export as Graphic File dialog box.
To copy the entire diagram to the clipboard in bitmap format, select the Edit | Copy to Clipboard menu
command or click the
button in the tool bar.
Database Search
SpecLine’s database search capability enables you to search individually for atomic lines and molecular
bands in the database independent of spectral data.
To search the database,
1. Select the Database | Open... menu command or click the
button in the tool bar. The
Database Search dialog box appears. Here you can change the parameters for the searching
2. Select the desired elements from the periodic table and the molecule list.
3. Check the Neutrals and Ions options and specify the wavelength and intensity range for the
searching process.
4. Click OK. The line search process starts. All lines found are listed in the Database window with
information about line strength, energy levels, transition, and quantum numbers.