Options identify spectrum: find peaks tab – Ocean Optics SpecLine Offline Spectroscopy User Manual

Page 39

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A: Reference



Save configuration...

Click this button to save the current configuration for the spectrum’s line identification process.

Options Identify Spectrum: Find Peaks Tab

Set the parameters for the peak finding process using this screen.

Wiener-Fourier filter

Choose this filter type to smooth the spectral data according to the Wiener-Fourier filter method. The
values for frequency limit and bandwidth of the low-pass filter can be set by you, or are set to standard
values extracted from the data automatically by SpecLine. Standard values are recommended for a first
run. The extracted standard values are displayed in the edit boxes and can be changed if necessary.

If both filter functions are selected, the Wiener-Fourier filter is applied first to the spectral data followed
by the polynomial filter.