Hardware setup and installation – Ocean Optics pH Sensor Patches, Probes and Cuvettes User Manual

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1: Products



Ocean Optics VIS/NIR desktop or Jaz spectrometer (slit size 25μm)

Light source (VIS/NIR: HL-2000, LS-1, LLS Series, etc.)

SpectraSuite software

Transmissive pH Patches, pack of 5 (PH-BCG-TRANS)

Calibration requires recording spectra in high and low pH samples, as
well as in at least one mid-range pH standard solution (such as a
NIST-traceable buffer).

For field measurements, an SD card with the pH software is required
for the Ocean Optics handheld Jaz spectrometer.

Hardware Setup and Installation


1. Connect the spectrometer to your computer using the supplied USB cable.

2. Install the light source as specified in its instructions. See Product-Related Documentation.

3. Attach the fibers between the spectrometer, probe, and light source. The transmissive probe

has two identical legs.

4. Turn on the light source and allow it to warm up for the period specified in the light source
