Taking ph measurements with spectrasuite – Ocean Optics pH Sensor Patches, Probes and Cuvettes User Manual
Page 22
2: Desktop Software Installation and Operation
Smart pH Cuvettes:
Remove the pH 1 buffer with a pipette, without moving the cuvette or optical components.
Replace with pH 11 buffer, and then remove and add fresh buffer to ensure proper rinsing.
Allow 30 seconds, and then click Acquire. When complete, click Next.
10. Follow the wizard and repeat Step 9 for pH buffers 5, 6, 7, and 8 (follow on-screen prompts).
Again, it is a good idea to rinse the sensor with buffer before submersion to prevent sample
contamination. Then, click Finish.
You are now ready to take pH measurements.
Taking pH Measurements with SpectraSuite
Now that you have finished calibrating your pH sensor system, you can take pH measurements in the
biological range.
► Procedure
1. Expose the sensor to the analyte solution for pH measurement in the biological range. The pH
value appears on the screen in the Current pH field (upper right corner).
2. Click the Run/Stop button to toggle data acquisition appearing in the lower table on the screen.
Data is recorded at the time interval you specify in the Time Increment (sec) field.