Smart ph cuvettes, Sensor system components – Ocean Optics pH Sensor Patches, Probes and Cuvettes User Manual

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1: Products



Smart pH Cuvettes

Sensor System Components

CUV-UV Cuvette Holder or Jaz Direct-attach Cuvette Holder

Optical fibers

Ocean Optics VIS/NIR desktop or Jaz spectrometer (slit size 25, 50
or 100μm)

Light source (VIS/NIR: HL-2000, LS-1, LLS series, etc.)

SpectraSuite software

Pack of Smart pH Cuvettes (SC-PH-VIS1M)

Calibration requires recording spectra in high and low pH samples, as
well as in at least one mid-range pH standard solution (such as a
NIST-traceable buffer).