Storage/lifetime, Performance specifications – Ocean Optics pH Sensor Patches, Probes and Cuvettes User Manual

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1: Products



2. Continue streaming jets of liquid onto the patch until the entire backside looks uniformly dark

and wet. This only needs to be done initially; once the mesh has been wetted, there is free and
fast diffusion of ions in and out of the sensor material.


Patches can be stored dry at room temperature for any amount of time. As a rule, once the maximum
absorbance at pH 11 falls below 0.1, the patch should be discarded and replaced
(assumes a
reference of pH 1). The patch’s lifetime depends on frequency of use, harshness of the samples it is
exposed to, the temperature of samples, and other environmental factors.

Performance Specifications


Ocean Optics pH Probe Value

pH range

4 – 9

Analytical Wavelength


Baseline Correction Wavelengths

509nm (isosbestic) or 800nm

Calibration Options

User Calibration with 6 Buffers

Factory Calibration with 3 Buffers

Immediate Startup with No Buffers (requires undisturbed setup)

Typical Absorbance Range

0.12 – 0.25

Typical pK Range

6.1 – 6.5

Typical Slope Range

2.2 – 3.0

User Calibration Accuracy

Up to 2% of reading

Factory Reset Accuracy

0% at reset point

1% Within 1 pH unit of reset

Up to 4% at 3 pH units from reset


About 0.03 pH unit in most cases (determined by distance of
optics, probe type, and age of patch)

Response Time, t


30 seconds (determined by salinity of sample and liquid flow at
sensor interface)


No detectable drift for up to 12 hours

1% per day for long term monitoring


Strong green or blue sample color may cause up to 0.25 pH unit