B&B Electronics EIRM-EXTEND - Manual User Manual
Page 36

Manual Documentation Number: EIRM-EXTEND-1412m
B&B Electronics Mfg Co Inc – 707 Dayton Rd - PO Box 1040 - Ottawa IL 61350 - Ph 815-433-5100 - Fax 815-433-5104 – www.bb-elec.com
B&B Electronics – Westlink Commercial Park – Oranmore, Galway, Ireland – Ph +353 91-792444 – Fax +353 91-792445 – www.bb-europe.com
sys actl del mac index
Remove index_th MAC address
from accessible list.
sys actl del ip index
Remove index_th IP address from
accessible list.
sys actl del mac all
Remove all MAC addresses from
accessible list.
sys actl del ip all
Remove all IP addresses from
accessible list.
sys actl enable mac index
Enable index_th MAC address
from accessible list.
sys actl enable ip index
Enable index_th IP address from
accessible list.
sys actl disable mac index
Disable index_th MAC address
from accessible list.
sys actl disable ip index
Disable index_th IP address from
accessible list.
sys reboot
Reboot system.
sys reset level1
Restore default password.
sys reset level2
Restore factory default.
sys reset level3
Restore factory default except
network settings.
sys ntp
Display NTP settings.
sys ntp on
sys ntp off
sys ntp server IP
Set IP address of NTP time server
to the device.
sys ntp zone time_zone
time_zone: +12.0 ~ -12.0
Set NTP time zone to the device.
sys summer-time off
Set summer-time OFF.
sys summer-time time_zone weekday
week day month hh:mm week day
month hh:mm offset
Set summer-time ON in the
weekday mode.
sys summer-time time_zone date date
month hh:mm date month hh:mm
Set summer-time ON in the date
sys log
Display log settings.
sys log on
Set log ON.
sys log off
Set log OFF.
sys log reset
Clear content of log.
sys log send IP
Send the log file to TFTP server.
sys log disp
Display log settings.
sys upgrade IP filename
Upgrade system with new
firmware from a TFTP server.
sys lfpt
Display Link Fault Pass Through