M&C TechGroup LT Series Data sheet User Manual
Gas- and liquid coolers series lc, lt, Special features, Application

M&C TechGroup Germany GmbH • Rehhecke 79 • 40885 Ratingen • Germany
[email protected] • www.mc-techgroup.com • Fon +49 2102 935-0 • Fax +49 2102 935-111
Embracing Challenge
Optimal cooling capacity
No stagnant space
Material stainless steel 316Ti
Dial thermometer
Wall mounting
Various connection sizes available
Other executions on request
Special Features
Gas- and liquid coolers
Series LC, LT
Jacket cooler with cooling coil
version LGC-1 (S), LC-1 (S)
Jacket cooler with bundle of tubes
version LGT-2, LTC-1
The M&C gas and liquid coolers series L... are
used in the analysis technique to decrease the
temperature of a liquid sample respectively to
cool down the dew point of a humid sample
The coolant for example is water. The coun-
tercurrent working principle guarantees an
optimised cooling process.
The M&C gas coolers LGC-1 and the extended
version LGC-1S are equipped with a cooling
coil fixed in a completely welded steering
tube. An additional area at the bottom guar-
antees a sure separation of sample gas and
The version LGT-2 is a tubular gas cooler with
a separation area as well.
The dial thermometer at the coolant inlet
indicates the approximate temperature of the
sample gas outlet dew point.
The condensate is removed by means of a
peristaltic pump, an automatic liquid drainer
or a collecting vessel.
The M&C liquid coolers LC-1 and the extend-
ed version LC-1S are equipped with a cooling
coil fixed in a completely welded steering
The version LTC-1 is a tubular liquid cooler.
Top and bottom of the cooler are designed as
distribution areas. The top of the cooler LTC-1
is removable.
The dial thermometer at the coolant inlet of
versions LC-1 and LC-1S respectively at the
bottom of version LTC-1 indicates the tem-
perature of the sample outlet.
Liquid and gas coolers series L… are operat-
ing nearly maintenance-free.
The cooling effect and the stability of cool-
ing are depending on the inlet temperature
of the coolant, the quantity of coolant, the
conditions of the sample inlet, the state of
aggregation of the sample, the ∆T between
coolant inlet temperature and sample outlet
temperature as well as the ambient tempera-
The quality of the coolant and the sample
must correspond to the material of the cool-
Layout and calculation of the cooler are
effected in accordance with the specific appli-
cation and operating data. Please specify all
available parameters along with your inquiry.
Technical specifications and illustrations are without
obligation, subject to modifications. 03.97/06.06