HR Green Rate Fee Survey Report User Manual
Page 61

Additional Fees Associated with Information Requested by Reviewing Body:
Responses provided by participating communities offered a wide array of approaches to fees
associated with additional information that is sometimes requested with reviewing bodies. As such, the
feedback is summarized according to the referenced population ranges.
For communities with populations between 10,000 and 30,000:
Only required if incurring consultant fees (i.e., traffic studies);
More escrow deposit;
Actual costs incurred;
Preliminary plat: $750; Final plat: $350 plus $5 per lot;
$2,500 escrow;
Reimbursement of City
’s consulting costs if necessary;
For communities with populations between 30,001 and 50,000:
Additional staff time charged to escrow for review time.
For communities with populations between 50,001 and 70,000:
Final plat application: $250 per addition; $150 per acre ($500 cap); plus $2,000 escrow
for legal notices, planning and engineering, land legal services provided by staff and/or
consultants. Preliminary plat application: $400 per addition; $150 per acre ($500
minimum - $3,200 maximum) plus $2,000 escrow for legal notices, planning,
engineering, and legal services provided by staff and/or consultants.
Additional Fees Associated with Resubmission of a SDP:
Responses provided by participating communities offered a wide array of resubmission of a site plan.
As such, the feedback is summarized according to the referenced population ranges.
For communities with populations between 10,000 and 30,000:
Out of pocket costs;
PUD amendment $400, escrow fees are also required to be submitted on all approval
requests in an amount equal to estimated cost for staff time to review the project;
For communities with populations between 30,001 and 50,000:
Additional staff time charged to escrow for review time.
For communities with populations between 50,001 and 70,000:
$500 to $1,000