HR Green Landscape Architecture Brochure User Manual

Landscape architectural, Concept through completion

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landscape architectural

Concept through Completion

Landscape Architectural

Planting Design

Parks & Recreation

Streetscapes & Parkways

Environmental & Sustainable


Blueways & Riverwalks

Theming & Branding

Signage & Wayfi nding

Grant Preparation & Funding


landscape architectural

At HR Green, we believe in a disciplined, process-oriented design approach.

We consider the natural and historical characteristics of a site and focus on

exceeding our client’s goals and needs through constructible designs. Once we

fully understand the project requirements and client objectives we begin thoughtful

design development, blending creative talent with sound business sense to meet

the established budgets and schedules. We serve both public and private clients

in this manner, bringing fl exibility, responsiveness and a hands-on approach to

every project.

HR Green helps clients design, construct, own and operate successful landscapes

– landscapes that are affordable, sustainable, useful and beautiful.