HR Green Rate Fee Survey Report User Manual

Page 17

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Please specify all activities corresponding to the site plan review process in your community. Check all that apply

Pre-submission meeting where an applicant meets with staff to outline the proposed project and identify
issues and a proposed timeline for the review process

Submit a hard copy application for review

Submit application on-line

Evaluate the application for completion

Distribute to other departments/agencies for review

Compile a joint plan review document (staff report) that is provided to the application following
departmental review

Conduct a meeting with reviewing department(s) and the applicant to discuss findings

Subject to Planning and Zoning Commission review and action

Subject to City Council approval

Subject to County Board approval

Other, please specify

What types of actions are subject to the submission of a site plan?

Change in zone request (residential only)

Change in zone request (non-residential development)

Change in zone request (combination of uses or planned unit development)

Revision in a formerly approved site development plan

Request for a Conditional Use or Special Use Permit

Other, please specify

Are some site plan review decisions subject to administrative (in-house staff/agency) approval? If so, please
specify under what conditions this is appropriate.



Other, please specify

Please specify the general timeline to complete a site plan review once the application has been officially filed but
prior to being place on a Planning Commission, City Council, or County Board agenda.

Less than one (1) week

One (1) week to four (4) weeks

Four (4) to eight (8) weeks

Beyond eight (8) weeks