HR Green Rate Fee Survey Report User Manual

Page 25

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112 If they fall within the minor criteria

113 When a development is proposed for an existing lot of record.

114 All site plan reviews are conducted and approved by staff


Staff has authority to approve Site Plans administratively if all codes are being followed and staff comments are addressed.
Staff certifies compliance with codes.

116 Building remodeling or an addition less than 10% of the size of the existing building.

117 Any small to large project per Item 8 above not requiring Rezone, Plan Amendment, Subdivision, or CUP

118 Minor residential and commercial replats.

119 Dependant on Council waiver.

120 If the request can be reviewed and approved at a staff level.


Minor site plans and single, single family residential construction. Commercial TI less than 250 sq.ft. Accessory buildings
under 250 sq. ft.

122 All submittals are staff approval

123 corporate decision

124 small commercial development without any zoning changes or requests. Typically developments under 30,000 square feet.

125 All Site Plans must be approved by the City Council

126 Building Official and Plans Examiner have large amount of control over site plan review process.

127 Minor changes to site. Architectural Review

128 Residential additions with a net square footage increase of less than 50%

129 Administrative / Staff site plan approval when revisions to an approved plan are minimal.

130 Basic decisions related to setback and open space compliance.

131 Staff gives approval for all site plans unless the plans do not meet the development regulations.

132 Single-story additions to SFRs and attached or detached second dwelling units

133 all are done by admin staff except Conditional Use Permits and Planned Unit Developments

134 Depends on the application or project

135 Too vague question to answer

136 Site plans which do not seek a change in zoning (PUD) or a special use permit are eligible for administrative approval.

137 secondary dwellings

138 VERY minor changes that don't extend beyond the original building envelope

139 If uses are permitted outright, only in-house review is required.

140 Minor changes to a development site

141 When code allows for minor exterior changes, lot modifications or uses that can be reviewed by the Director

142 Depending on construction threshold based on zoning ordinance.

143 All site plans are administrative


Most site plan reviews are administrative. Only when a special use permit is needed, a zoning map amendment, or those
circumstances when the Plan Commission must approve the site plan is administrative approval not used.


"Site Plan Review" can mean many different things. Perhaps a definition and scope would be helpful as part of this survey


The Planning and Zoning Commission and Board of Adjustment may choose to ignore the opinion of the Zoning
Administrator. The Zoning Administrator is a liaison between the Administration and the oversight Board/Commission. They