HR Green Rate Fee Survey Report User Manual
Page 26

Site Plan Review
Survey Results
have the ultimate decision making authority. Applicants may initiate appeals to the Board of Adjustment for variances for any
147 Limited scope, non-controversial
148 individual single family residences and certain modifications to existing approved projects
149 Less than 1 acre lot, less than 20,000 sq ft floor area
pain color changes for commercial buildings, minor site plan changes, minor changes to building elevation and mechanical
We have a section of the zoning code that specifies what constitutes a major or minor modification to an approved site plan. If
minor, it is subject to staff review, no public hearing.
152 When the use is permitted or listed as an administrative approval.
153 minor amendments to existing CUP
All site plan review decisions are administrative except for Zoning Change applications and Special Use reviews. Zoning
Change applications go to the Plan Commission and City Council for action. A Special Use decision is by the ZBA.
Any commercial, industrial, institutional or multi-family activity, unless the developer wishes to appeal the Development
Review Committee decision. Planned development od office development requires P & Z Commission review. Council
required to review planned development projects.
Some approval can be done administratively as long as it is not a deviation from the development codes authorized by Mayor
and Council.
157 Building and Type 1 & 2 Land Use permits. Type 3 & 4 subject to hearing examiner decision
158 Very minor changes, such as alterations to accessory structures that meet all other zoning codes