HR Green Business Attraction User Manual

Business attraction services, Service summaries, Economic development

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Jim Halverson







8710 Earhart Lane SW
Cedar Rapids, IA 52404

Main Phone




Toll Free



Experience & Accomplishments

With more than 25 years of experience in
leading local economic development efforts
Practice Leader Jim Halverson helped
facilitate new business attraction in several
Midwestern States.

As a lead economic development offi cial
for small, mid-sized, and large economic
development organizations he worked with
businesses and developers to facilitate the
creation and retention of over 5,000 jobs,
the construction and rehabilitation of several
commercial and industrial buildings, and
more than $100 million in private sector

Jim also worked successfully with several
small, medium and large-sized companies
which purchased industrial park property,
developed or occupied nearly 700,000
square feet of industrial space and created
more than 1,300 new jobs.

These achievements were the result of
being actively engaged in local and regional
marketing efforts, business and industrial
park development, speculative building
construction, management of revolving
loan fund programs, and negotiating
performance based fi nancial incentives.

Many communities and economic development organizations focus signifi cant energy
and resources on the attraction of new business and industries into communities and
regions. This focus is also affi liated with several private-sector organizations in the
transportation and utility industries. The goal of community-based organizations is
to expand the tax base and create new employment opportunities for area residents.
Private sector businesses share this interest but are also motivated to generate revenue
through the sale of transportation services and enhanced energy sales.

The commitment of time, money, and effort into creating and implementing marketing
campaigns, participating in business call trips and trade shows, as well as capital
investments in business and industrial parks to accommodate the projects of new and
expanding businesses, often raises questions about marketability of communities, not to
mention rate of investment for various investments.

We recognize that there are many challenges associated with part of your business plan
but HR Green has an approach that can be tailored to the needs of your organization
and budget. What’s more, the team is comprised of individuals with many years of
economic development experience – at the state, regional, and local levels.

Service Summaries

Cultivating business prospects and transforming these prospects into new investment
and jobs in your community is accomplished through an integrated system of sharing
information that is of value to site location experts and targeted industries. By the same
token, prospective businesses also want to see how communities forge partnerships,
help expedite plans, and contribute to improving the competitiveness of doing business.

Organizational Development:

Are you facing internal competition for pursing economic development
opportunities (i.e., city hall versus chamber of commerce, or sister communities
competing for the same projects)? If so, we can create an environment where
everyone has a role to play and enables the community or region to move forward
in a positive way.


Capital campaigns


Creating organizational oversight and leadership


Defi ning roles and responsibilities


Diversifying your organization’s services

Economic Development


attraction services