HR Green Land Development Brochure User Manual

Land development, Concept through completion

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Land development projects require the fusion of diverse skills. HR Green, Inc.

joins technical expertise with business savvy to make your projects highly

successful. HR Green unifi es engineering, surveying, construction, land

planning and landscape architecture consultants in a single, integrated team.

Our project experience ranges from residential and commercial to industrial

and institutional developments. HR Green becomes a true partner with clients

from project inception to fi nal completion, always seeking the most economical

solutions and streamlined processes. Our hallmarks are project effi ciency,

effective project management and outstanding communication.

HR Green can handle any project, from sites less than 1 acre in size to sites

in excess of 2,000 acres. From conceptual planning through fi nal site design,

we utilize the latest technology to prepare engineering reports, exhibits and

contract documents. Necessary state, local and federal site work permits are

obtained effi ciently to help our clients avoid delays and stay on-schedule.

land development

Concept through Completion

Land Development Services:

Site Feasibility Studies


Conceptual Planning

Preliminary Engineering & Platting

Final Engineering & Platting

Landscape Architecture

Project Theming

Water and Wastewater


Stormwater Management

Erosion Control & Sediment

Permit Applications

Transportation Studies & Design

Construction Staking

Construction Assistance

land development