HR Green Services for Local Governments User Manual

Local governments, Organizational review and analysis, Fee and rate review

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Organizational Review and Analysis

Review of departmental processes, operations and practices and make
recommendations that will provide services to your residents in a more profi cient
manner and enhance operations. Our evaluation will cover process workfl ow, use
of performance incentives, organizational design and resource allocation for your

Fee and Rate Review

Review of rate and fee structures which includes evaluation of your cost recovery
effi cacy and identifi cation of alternative revenue sources or pricing structures.
Comparison of your organization’s rates with similar jurisdictions will also be completed
to search for opportunities to boost revenue while remaining competitive. Technology
solutions will be identifi ed that can increase collection rates for various licenses.

Grant Submittals and Fund Procurement

Today, funding your Capital Improvement Program is more challenging than
ever. Fixed costs are eating into an agency’s ability to maintain your infrastructure
appropriately. Leveraging your local dollars with federal or state money is one of
the few opportunities to fund strategic or costly projects. Our process starts with
preparing a Source and Use of Funds Matrix for various components of your project.
Grant programs will be vetted and applications can be developed and submitted.

Public-Private Partnership (P3) Feasibility Study

P3 is a procurement process that is gaining popularity with state and local
governments. Each state has unique legislation which dictates acceptable uses
of public-private partnerships. A feasibility study will review your state’s laws and
regulations and compare with the needs of your local government.

There are many models for P3 with a variety of ways to address construction,
operations and ownership. A decision matrix will be prepared to help you determine
which model is most appropriate for your organization. If there is interest in a
partnership to share resources and rewards, an asset valuation can be completed
to provide an opinion of what the private sector might offer.

Scalable solutions for

HR Green’s solutions can be tailored
to fi t your need whether it is a quick
response to one of your biggest
challenges, or a broader need
directed at implementation of longer
term solutions.

Our understanding and business-like
approach to challenges within the
public sector provides solutions that
enhance transparency, accountability
and effi ciency.








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