NOTION Inc Inc Adam User Manual
Page 25
Notion Ink ADAM User Manual: Sniffer
The full-screen view will have storage options (Adam Memory, USB Drive, mi-
croSD) listed in the left panel, along with Applications link at the bottom of the panel. Ini-
tially, Sniffer will show the break-down of Adam Memory, in the space available to the
right of the storage options panel. This break down will graphically show the memory oc-
cupied by Audio, Video, Images and other files along with the free memory available. Tap-
ping on Audio, Video, Images and Others will open a panel with all the files of that category.
Selecting a Storage option will open the contents of the storage in the panel towards its
right. Similarly, selecting a folder will open the contents of the folder in a panel towards
the right. Any number of panels can be opened basing on the number of sub-folders. Only
three panels can be displayed at one time. So as new panels keep coming, the older panels
keep getting pushed towards the left, these older panels or folders can be accessed by drag-
ging the panels towards the right and vice-versa for accessing the panels towards the right.
Full-Screen View
Browsing through Folders: