Xerox 155 User Manual
Page 150

Installation Planning Guide
Hardware interface and network software for Apple
Macintosh computers that provides connection to an
Ethernet network.
Portion of a filename that follows a period. in some
instances it identifies the file type. For example, .ps
specifies a PostScript file.
Condition which prevents proper processing of a print job
and requires the intervention of an operator. For
example, a paper jam is a fault.
Preset place for entering information.
Set of records or text that can be stored and retrieved.
Organized, named collection of records treated as a unit.
For offline, it is the data between the two tape marks. For
online, it is the data between banner pages.
file maintenance
Keeping a file up to date by regularly adding, changing,
or deleting data.
Any optional output finishing solution, for example, the
stitcher/ stacker.
Permanent programs stored in read-only memory
fixed disk
Disk drive that is mounted within a computer and is not
fixed font
Font containing characters with fixed spacing.
fixed pitch
Font set in which every character cell has the same
width. In reference to character sets, this term describes
typefaces in which all character cells are of equal width.
Monospaced as opposed to proportional spaced.
fixed spacing
Arrangement of characters on a line so that all
characters occupy the same amount of horizontal space.
A complete set of alphanumeric characters and
punctuation marks, having common characteristics such
as style, width, height, and weight.
1. Compiled forms source library (.FSL) file. 2. Printed or
typed document with blank spaces for inserting
information. Specific arrangement of lines, text, and
graphics stored in a computer under an identifying name.
Page of data that, when preceded by proper commands,
is stored on the system disk as a permanent file. It may
be merged with variable data by a form start command.
See also FDL; FSL.