Stacker containers and pallets (optional), Fonts – Xerox 155 User Manual
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Installation Planning Guide
Stacker containers and pallets (optional)
Stacker containers can be placed inside the stacker bins to
receive and neatly stack large amounts of output. These optional
containers are available in a variety of sizes, accommodating
various standard U. S. and international paper sizes. Different
sized pallets for containerless stacking can also be ordered.
Data can be printed on DocuPrint printers in many sizes and
type styles called fonts. A font is a character set which has
unique characteristics, such as type style, size, weight,
orientation (portrait, landscape, inverse portrait, and inverse
landscape), character spacing (fixed and proportional), line
spacing, and postures (Roman, italic, and so forth).
There are three classifications of fonts:
Standard fonts
Licensed fonts
Custom fonts
Standard fonts
For PostScript printing, a library of 51 PostScript fonts is provided
with your printer’s operating system software.
For LCDS printing, over 250 standard 300 dpi fonts, referred to
as the AR03 font family is provided with your printer’s operating
system software.
Licensed fonts
Additional fonts may be ordered from your local Xerox Font
Custom fonts
Custom fonts and graphic images such as company logos and
signatures can be digitized by the Xerox Font Center for use on
your printer.
Receiving fonts
Fonts can be received on a diskette, various tape formats, or CD-
ROM from your local Xerox Font Center.
LCDS fonts may also be sent to your system from an online host
computer through an IBM-compatible channel.