Print the 480cx user guide – Xerox 480cx User Manual

Page 172

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Close Status at End of Job - Select Close Status at End Job to close the
Control Program when the job is finished printing.

Sound Effects Enabled - Select Sound Effects Enabled to turn on the
sound effects that accompany printer software messages. If you live
outside the U.S., these sound effects were enabled when you installed
the software.

Enable Buffer Mode - Select Enable Buffer Mode if your printer
pauses frequently (every two or three lines) during a print job, and
prints pages with alternating bands of light and dark print. The printer
pauses frequently because it is printing data faster than the computer
can send it. Banded printing occurs when the printer pauses frequently.

When you select this option, it takes longer for the first page of a job to
begin printing.

Disable Xerox WC480cx DOS Printing (Enable DOS printing to
other printers)
- Select this feature when you are using a DOS
application to print to a printer other than your Xerox WorkCentre
480cx. Uncheck this option when you are using a DOS application to
print to your Xerox WorkCentre 480cx. After checking or un-checking
this option, you must restart Windows 3.x for the change to take effect.

Note: If a Xerox printer and another printer are connected to the same port
on your computer through a switch box or other device, check Disable
Xerox WC480cx DOS Printing and restart Windows before switching from
one printer to the other. Switching printers without selecting this option may
cause printer errors.

Print the 480cx User Guide