Yamaha Professional Audio Workstation AW4416 User Manual

Page 339

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PAN/ROUTE screen

— Reference Guide


Additional functions in the Pan


In the Pan 1–16/Pan 17–24/Pan MONI pages, you
can press the [SHIFT] key to assign the following
additional functions to the [F1]–[F5] keys.

• [F1] (INDIVIDUAL) key

Independently control the pan of paired chan-
nels. This is the same function as the INDIVID-
UAL button.

• [F2] (GANG) key

Link the pan of paired channels while maintain-
ing their existing spatial relationship. This is the
same function as the GANG button.

• [F3] (INVERTED GANG) key

Inversely link the pan of paired channels. This is
the same function as the INVERTED GANG but-

• [F4] (ALL ROUT OFF) key

Turn off bus assign 1–8 buttons for all channels
in the page.

• [F5] (COPY PAN TO ALL) key

Copy the pan setting of the currently selected
channel to all channels (including the channels
of other pages).

Copying pan settings to all chan-



1. In the PAN screen, move the cursor to the

PAN knob of the copy source channel.

2. Press the [SHIFT] key + [F5] key.

The CONFIRMATION popup window will
appear, asking you to confirm the copy.

If the cursor is at a parameter other than the
PAN knob, a message of “Can’t Copy This
Parameter” will appear, and the copy will not

3. To execute the copy, move the cursor to

the OK button and press the [ENTER] key.




