Tutorial step one, Spruceup introduction, User interface orientation – Ulead 1.0 User Manual
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SpruceUp User’s Guide
Tutorial Step One
SpruceUp Introduction
SpruceUp is a DVD authoring application designed to take DVD compliant MPEG video and
audio movies, combine them with menus, and create DVD titles that can be played back on
PCs and (with appropriate hardware) set-top DVD players. Movie sources can be from a
wide variety of non-linear editors, video capture cards, and MPEG encoders.
SpruceUp provides tools to add Chapter Points, providing the viewer quick access to scenes
you define.
SpruceUp is not an editor, though. It cannot directly link the end of one movie to the start
of another. Any effects you might want, such as transitions between scenes or text graphics
(for example for credits) must be added using a video editing application, such as from
Adobe or Ulead.
User Interface Orientation
It is important to be able to identify the four major areas of SpruceUp's User Interface.
Below is a drawing identifying the areas. See the Main Window topic for more information.