Spruceup tutorial introduction, Tutorial assets, Tutorial sections – Ulead 1.0 User Manual
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SpruceUp User’s Guide
SpruceUp Tutorial Introduction
Welcome to the SpruceUp Tutorial. The tutorial takes you through the process of creating a
DVD title using provided assets. It covers all major SpruceUp features.
Anyone new to DVD authoring or wanting to learn about SpruceUp's features and workflow
is strongly encouraged to take the time to go through the tutorial. On average it takes
about 20 minutes to complete the tutorial.
Tutorial Assets
All SpruceUp installations include default backgrounds and buttons. Full version installations
(from a CD-ROM) may include additional assets and an MPEG movie to use as well.
Due to the movie's file size, SpruceUp versions that have been downloaded through the
Internet or exported from someone else's copy of SpruceUp do not have a movie or the
tutorial style included. You can either download the movie from the SpruceUp web site:
or use a movie that you may already have. The tutorial does not require specific assets, just
some examples of backgrounds, buttons, and a movie.
Important: The tutorial movie is NTSC. You must make sure
SpruceUp’s Preferences are set to NTSC prior to starting the tutorial if you
are using this movie. If PAL is your normal standard, be sure to set this
back to PAL once you are through with the tutorial.
Tutorial Sections
The tutorial has the following sections:
Note: Each section assumes you have been through the previous
• SpruceUp Introduction – This is a brief overview of SpruceUp, providing some insight
into what it can and cannot do.
• Loading Assets – This describes how to load assets (video clips, buttons, and
backgrounds) in general, and for this tutorial specifically.
• Creating Menus – How to select a background and add buttons and text to it. Also
covered is linking buttons to movies and other menus.
• Using Clip Properties – How to select a video asset and open it in the Clip Properties
dialog. Covered here is adding Chapter Points, modifying the EyeFrame, and exporting
stills and buttons directly to a menu.
• Finishing the Menus – Now that you've added Chapter Point buttons, it is wise to
regroup and see what you've got.
• Simulating the Title – This step has you simulate the title you have created, verifying
the button links work as planned.
• Exporting the Title – This step explains what is involved in creating a disc that can be
played by others.