Using spruceup’s help, Printing help, Updating help – Ulead 1.0 User Manual
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SpruceUp User’s Guide
Using SpruceUp’s Help
SpruceUp's help provides you with easy access to topics covering all aspects of using
SpruceUp. It is in the familiar HTML help style, providing navigation and search features for
locating the desired information. Feel free to reposition and resize the help window – any
changes you make are saved for the next time you use SpruceUp's help.
There are a number of places within SpruceUp where you can launch help, either by clicking
on the "?" or the word "Help", depending on the menu you are in. Most are context sensitive
and display the topic relating to your current mode. You can also launch help using the
toolbar's Help pull down menu or by pressing the F1 keyboard button.
Embedded in the text are links to related topics and popup windows. Simply click on any
underlined words to use its link. Click on the help dialog's Back button to return to the page
you jumped from.
You will also find links embedded in some of the graphics. The cursor changes from its
default arrow to a hand when passing over a link - clicking at that time follows the link.
You have four choices when deciding how to navigate through help:
• Contents – This is the default mode, providing the help topics in a table-of-contents
style. A question mark icon indicates an actual topic – click the question mark or the
topic's name to view the topic. A book icon indicates a chapter containing multiple
topics. Click the "+" in front to open the chapter and display the topics. Alternatively,
double-click the chapter's name to open it.
• Index – The index is built of the common names that you might want to search on. As
you type the word(s), help scrolls to the closest match. Double-click the index entry
that best fits what you are after – the appropriate topic then opens.
• Search – Use this to find which topics contain a specific word or phrase. This is
particularly handy when you are unable to find what you want with the Index. Simply
type in the word or phrase and click on List Topics. All topics containing the phrase
display in the lower window. Double-click a topic's name to view it. The word or
phrase you searched for is highlighted, making it easier to locate.
• Favorites – Use this to keep a list of topics you find yourself going back to often. The
current topic's name displays at the bottom – click Add to add it to the favorites list.
Printing Help
You can print help topics by clicking on the Print icon of the help window's toolbar.
Updating Help
Updated help is periodically available at: