Ulead 1.0 User Manual
Table of contents
Document Outline
- SpruceUp User's Guide
- Title Page
- Copyright Notice
- Table of Contents
- Introduction
- Creating DVDs
- Getting Started
- Assets
- Tutorial
- Creating Menus
- Custom Buttons
- Typing Text
- Clip Properties
- The Author Mode
- Simulation Mode
- Export Mode
- General Information
- Problems
- Error Messages
- A
- A buffer overrun/underrun error occured with the DVD-R drive!
- A CD-R drive hardware error occured!
- A communication error occured with the ASPI Manager interface!
- A DLT drive hardware error occured!
- A DVD-R drive hardware error occured!
- A DVD-R write is in progress. Are you sure you want to cancel the write operation?
- A media error occured. Please try new blank media into the CD-R drive.
- A media error occured. Please try new blank media into the DVD-R drive.
- A media error occured. Please try new media into the DLT drive.
- A MODE SELECT command error occured in the DVD-R SCSI drive!
- A MODE SENSE command error occured in the DVD-R SCSI drive!
- A reset occurred on the DLT drive!
- A reset occurred on the DVD-R drive!
- A sharing violation occurred while accessing an unnamed file.
- A WRITE command error occured in the CD-R SCSI drive!
- A WRITE command error occured in the DVD-R SCSI drive!
- AC-3 Playback not supported in SpruceUp Trial Version. Filename.AC3 will not be audible.
- An asynchronus read error occured in the DVD-R write Process.
- An error occured when loading or ejecting media!
- An error occured while trying to close the CD-R drawer.
- An error occured while trying to open the CD-R drawer.
- Archive Error
- At least 2 sequence_end_code(s) found in the stream.
- C
- D
- Destination directory for Disc Image output is not a valid path. Please provide a valid path.
- Device Capacity entry must contain positive real or integer values. Please retype the number.
- Device Name entry cannot be empty. Please enter a Device Name.
- Disc Image created successfully.
- Disc image creation failed because the resulting image file size is greater than the 4GB limit set by a FAT32 Volume.
- Disc image creation failed because the size is too big to fit on a Single Layer Disc.
- Disc Image creation failed.
- Disc image File not found!
- E
- F
- G
- H
- I
- Illegal Chroma Format : only 4:2:0 is allowed in DVD
- Illegal Picture Resolution for DVD-Video
- Illegal request made to the DLT drive!
- Illegal request made to the DVD-R drive!
- Import failed. Filename is an unrecognized file type.
- Import of filename failed. Audio files cannot be imported directly.
- Inconsistent bitrates were found among audio frames. Bitrate should be consistent throughout the stream.
- Invalid Aspect Ratio Error. It should be either 1.095 (4-bit value 12) for NTSC or 0.9157 (4-bit value 8) for PAL.
- Invalid Aspect Ratio Error. It should be either 4:3 (4-bit value 2) or 16:9 (4-bit value 3).
- Invalid audio layer information. DVD only allows layer II for MPEG1 audio.
- Invalid Bit Rate - should be between 64k and 384k bps!
- Invalid Bit Rate - should be between 64k and 448k bps!
- Invalid CRC flag - CRC should be disabled
- Invalid Field Picture. One field must be of opposite parity of the previous.
- Invalid Frame Rate
- Invalid frame size. Out of valid range (256 - 1792).
- Invalid Parameter File Error
- Invalid Picture Structure type. Picture Structure should be one of Frame Picture, Top of Bottom Field Picture.
- L
- M
- N
- No background layer was found for this button template.
- No DLT Device found on SCSI Bus!
- No DLT SCSI device found on bus.
- No DVD-R SCSI device found on bus.
- No Sequence End Code was found.
- No sequence_end_code found in the stream
- Not allowed to remove the preset items from the list.
- Not enough free disk space in Drivename for copying selected DVD-ROM contents.
- Not enough free disk space in Drivename for copying selected player files.
- Not enough free disk space in Drivename for copying SpruceUp Trial files.
- Not enough free disk space in the media or the disk drive selected for exporting your current project.
- O
- P
- PAL/NTSC Video Format mismatch with Project Settings.
- Parsing Error
- Parsing Error : Inconsistent byte offset error in the last access unit
- Please insert tape into DLT Device and press OK to continue.
- Please check your Serial ID!
- Please place a new blank medium into your writing device and close the tray.
- Please specify the destination directory.
- Please specify the temporary directory.
- Progressive Frame flag in Picture Coding Extension is set to 0
- Progressive Sequence flag in Picture Coding Extension should be 0
- R
- S
- Sequence Header Duplication Error
- Specify Title Set Directory
- SpruceUp can't run!
- SpruceUp WARNING 999!
- SpruceUp will run in Trial version!
- SRB Status - ASPI for windows failed init!
- SRB Status - Buffer alignment problem!
- SRB Status - Buffer size too big to handle!
- SRB Status - Device access security violation!
- SRB Status - Invalid ASPI command!
- SRB Status - Invalid host adapter number!
- SRB Status - Invalid parameter set in SRB!
- SRB Status - SRB aborted!
- Supplied pathname NOT valid!
- T
- U
- Unable to Add or Duplicate Movie. Maximum of 99 Movies reached.
- Unable to parse assets from locked media such as CD-Rom or DVD-Rom drives. Copy assets to local hard disk and try again.
- Unable to write Disc Image. No DLT Device!
- Unsupported Media : Invalid Number of Channels
- Unsupported Media : Invalid Quantization (bits per sample)
- Unsupported Media : Invalid Sampling Rate
- Unsupported Media : Invalid Wave Format (only WAVE_FORMAT_PCM format is supported)
- W
- Y
- You must load the ASPI Manager software on your computer to access a SCSI drive!
- You must upgrade your DVD-R S101 drive firmware to version 1.07 or higher in order for this device to work properly!
- You must upgrade your DVD-R S201 drive firmware to version 1.00 or higher in order for this device to work properly!
- A
- General Troubleshooting
- SCSI Issues
- Error Messages
- Index