2 controller, 3 sample bottles, 4 suction line, pump tube, and discharge tube – Teledyne Refrigerated Sampler 6712FR User Manual

Page 154: 5 strainer, 6 air filter, 7 condenser

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6712FR Refrigerated Sampler
Section 8 Maintenance


8.2.2 Controller

When necessary, clean the controller with warm soapy water. To
prevent moisture damage, always cap the connectors at the back
of the controller tightly. Keep the controller power cable con-
nected, or replace the protective cap (shipped with the sampler)
over the power source connector.

Make sure the two pump drain holes (located on the bottom
right-hand side of the pump, beneath the pump band) are open
and free of debris or buildup.

8.2.3 Sample Bottles

The sample bottles have a wide mouth to facilitate cleaning.
Wash them with a brush and soapy water, or use a dishwasher.
You can autoclave the glass bottles.

8.2.4 Suction Line, Pump

Tube, and Discharge

Clean the suction line, pump tube, and discharge tube by placing
the end of the suction line in a cleaning solution and pumping it
through the delivery system. Rinse with clean water. If these
items are severely contaminated, discard them. For critical sam-
pling applications, refer to Section 8.3, Cleaning Protocols for
Priority Pollutants.

8.2.5 Strainer

Clean the strainer with a brush and soapy water.

8.2.6 Air Filter

The air filter prevents dust, lint, and other debris from circu-
lating around the cooling system. Clean the filter about every 3
months; more frequently under severe operating conditions.

To remove the filter:

1. Disconnect power from the refrigerator.

2. Remove the screws securing the refrigerator’s grille. (See

Appendix D Replacement Parts.)

3. Remove the grille and filter.

4. Steam clean the filter or wash it in hot, soapy water. After

washing, treat the filter with a standard filter coat.

8.2.7 Condenser

Clean the condenser and surrounding areas annually; more fre-
quently under severe operating conditions.

1. Disconnect power from the refrigerator.

2. Remove refrigerator’s back panel. (See Appendix D,

Replacement Parts).

3. Vacuum the fan, compressor, and surrounding areas.

4. Check the fan for freedom of movement. If the fan and fan

motor do not rotate freely, replace the motor. (You cannot
oil the sealed fan motor bearings.)

5. Remove the front grille and filter. Vacuum the condenser

coil and surrounding areas.

6. Clean the filter before replacing it.

7. Replace the back panel and front grille.