Quantum Instruments DLT 7000 User Manual
Page 288

Appendix C: Updating the Firmware
Quantum DLT 7000 Tape System
On UN*X systems, use the FTP utility to transfer the binary firmware
image. Be sure to specify “type image” before using the “get” or
“put” commands, otherwise extra characters may be added to the
file, causing it to be invalid. The image file should be exactly 1286 *
512 bytes in size.
When making the update tape, copy the image file to the tape
media using an appropriate block size as shown in Table C-1, that is,
dd, ltf, and so on. The tape must be uncompressed.
This section describes the procedure to update the firmware of the tape drive’s
PCBA. The update requires a cartridge that holds the update firmware image.
Firmware updates from a host are also supported (see the section on the SCSI
command WRITE BUFFER in Chapter 5).
If a powerfail occurs during the firmware update process (when the
new image is actually being programmed into the FLASH EEPROMs),
the tape drive’s PCBA will be rendered unusable. When performing
a firmware update, take all possible precautions to prevent power
failure to the tape drive.
Make sure you have a DLTtape that bears the firmware image of the required
revision level copied to it.
1. Put the tape drive into the firmware update mode. To do this:
a) Remove any cartridge in the target tape drive and close the handle
(down position).
b) Press the UNLOAD button on the drive front panel and hold the button
until the WRITE PROTECT indicator begins blinking (approximately six
seconds). This indicates that the tape drive has recognized your request
for firmware update mode and is waiting for the sequence to complete.