Quantum Instruments DLT 7000 User Manual

Page 192

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SCSI Commands


Quantum DLT 7000 Tape System

MODE SELECT (6) / (10) Command (15h) / (55h) (continued)

Table 5–46 TapeAlert Page Format Descriptor - Field Descriptions

Field Name



Parameters Savable. For MODE SELECT, this bit must be 0.

Additional Page

This field indicates the number bytes in the page. However, the value does not
include bytes 0 and 1. The length is returned in MODE SENSE commands and
must subsequently be set to the same value when performing MODE SELECT. If
the page length does not match that expected by the drive, a CHECK CONDITION
status is returned, sense key set to ILLEGAL REQUEST.

The drive returns a CHECK CONDITION status with sense key set to ILLEGAL
REQUEST if it receives an unsupported Page Code or a Page field with values not
supported or changeable. In such cases, no parameters are changed as a result
of the command.


Performance bit. Not supported, always = 0.


Disable Information Exception Operations. When this bit = 0, the reporting
method specified by the contents of MRIE is selected. When this bit = 1 (its
default setting), all information exception operations are disabled and the
contents of the MRIE field are ignored. When in this mode, the TapeAlert Log
page is polled by the software. To enable CHECK CONDITION mode, DExcpt
should = 0.


Test Bit. Not supported.


Error Log. Not supported