Maintenance (continued), English – Rover 51 User Manual
Page 11

Powered Walk Behind Mower - CE
Part No. 04016218 Rev F
© Copyright 10/2005
Rover Mowers Ltd
ABN 11 000 257 303
Drive Chain Adjustment
• Refer to the “Warning” and “Caution” notes at the beginning of the maintenance section.
• Keep the chain correctly tensioned to prevent damage or abnormal wear.
• Do not over tension the chain.
• Ensure the engine and muffler are cold before attempting to adjust the chain to prevent
• Remove the drive frame cover (refer to the “Removing the Drive Frame Cover” section) and expose the drive chain.
• Using a long slender shaft press firmly on the chain as far from the top sprocket as possible (refer figure 17).
• Using a suitable Phillips head screw driver rotate the adjusting screw until the chain deflection (above) is 5mm (refer
figure 18).
• Rotate the outer clutch plate (chain), recheck chain deflection and re-adjust if necessary.
• Replace the drive frame cover (refer to the “Replacing the Drive Frame Cover” section).
• Rotate the chain adjustment screw clockwise (when looking directly at the head of the
screw) to tighten the chain tension and vice versa.
• Use a very long, or right angle single drive phillips head screw driver to better access the
chain adjusting screw.
• Check the condition of the chain joiner and sprocket and replace if necessary.
Drive Belt Adjustment
• Refer to the “Warning” and “Caution” notes at the beginning of the maintenance section.
• Do not over or under tension the belt to prevent damage or abnormal wear.
• Remove the drive frame cover (refer to the “Removing the Drive Frame Cover” section) and expose the belt adjustment
screw (refer figure 19).
• Using a suitable phillips head screw driver, screw the adjuster screw down carefully until the spring is fully compressed.
• Unscrew the adjuster two (2) full turns.
• Rock the gear box about the output shaft and it should move approximately 2mm under the spring load (refer figure 20).
• Replace the drive frame cover (refer to the “Replacing the Drive Frame Cover” section).
• Clean any clippings away from the underside of the gearbox near the adjusting spring before
adjusting the belt tension.
• Put a mark on one side of the screw head of the adjuster to easily identify the 2 full turns
when adjusting the belt tension.
Drive Belt Replacement
• Refer to the “Warning” and “Caution” notes at the beginning of the maintenance section.
• Refer to the “Caution” notes in the “Belt Adjustment” section.
• Always wear gloves when handling the cutting mechanism.
• Wear gloves and be aware of pinch points when handling the drive belt mechanism.
• Secure the mower safely when tilted upwards to access the underside.
• Place the rear wheels on support blocks so that the rear extension guard will clear the
ground when lifting the front of the mower up. This will prevent damage to the guard which
is a mandatory safety item.
• Remove the drive frame cover (refer to the “Removing the Drive Frame Cover” section).
• Unscrew the drive belt adjustment screw until the spring touches the underside of the gearbox housing (refer figure 21).
• Fold the handle bars down and remove the grass catcher and support the rear wheels above the ground on 50mm
(min) blocks.
• Lift the front of the mower about the rear wheels until the lower handle bar contacts the ground and secure safely
in this position.
• Rotate the cutting assembly to expose the two bolts which fix the belt cover (refer figure 22).
• Using a suitable spanner, remove both bolts and washers and remove the belt cover.
• Rotate the gearbox so its pulley is as close to the engine pulley as possible. Rotate the belt off the gearbox pulley
and discard the belt.
Powered Walk Behind A4 CE English.indd
30/11/02, 9:51 PM
Rover Mowers Ltd
ABN 11 000 257 303
Adjusting the Drive Cable (Continued)
• Start the mower in the disengaged position.
• Push the drive bale forward until the gap between the bale and the handle bar is 55mm (refer figure 12).
• The drive should just begin to engage at this point.
• If the drive is not beginning to engage, rotate the thumb wheel on the cable support block (one click at a time) in an anti
clockwise direction until it does (refer figure 13).
• If the drive engages and drives off at a gap greater than 55mm rotate the thumb wheel on the cable support block one
click at a time in the clockwise direction until it does (refer figure 13).
• Test the mower at all speeds ensuring that it self disengages when the drive bale is released and that the transmission does
not slip at full speed with the drive bale fully engaged.
• If you still experience problems, see your nearest authorised Rover dealer.
• Ensure the cable is not damaged or kinked which may affect the drive.
• Apply a drop of lubricant to the pivot points of the drive bale to ensure smooth and safe
Removing the Drive Frame Cover
• Unscrew the front and rear phillips head screw in that order (refer figure 14).
• Lift the cover and rotate out of the mower to expose the upper transmission components.
Blow grass and dirt out of the recessed holes to expose the head of the fixings.
Replacing the Drive Frame Cover
• Make sure the raised ring on the brass section of the drive cable nests into the groove of the lower drive support frame and fit the
lid accurately on top before screwing down the cover.
• Do not operate the transmission bale with the cover loose or removed as you will damage the lower drive support frame.
• Fit the drive cable into its retaining slot in the lower drive support frame and hold it down horizontally with one hand
(refer figure 15).
• Rotate the cover into position over the cable until it seats properly and maintain pressure on the lid above the cable.
• Screw the rear fixing above the cable down firmly.
• Screw the forward fixing down firmly.
Leave the fixings in the lid when removing or replacing.
Drive Chain Lubrication
• Refer to the “Warning” and “Caution” notes at the beginning of the maintenance section.
• Do not apply excessive lubricant to the chain as it may flick off and onto the drive clutches during operation.
• Keep lubricant clear of the drive clutches.
• Remove the drive frame cover (refer to the “Removing the Drive Frame Cover” section) to expose the drive chain.
• While rotating the outer clutch plate (clockwise) apply an even spread of suitable (non aerosol) chain lubricant along
the length of the chain (refer figure 16).
• Replace the drive frame cover (refer to the “Replacing the Drive Frame Cover” section).
Put the chain lubricant in a container with a long pointed spout to make application easier.
Apply a little of the lubricant on the cams between the clutch engagement lever and the
outboard output shaft bearing retainer while lubricating the chain.
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