Nielsen-Kellerman ClearNav User Manual
Page 70

NK ClearNav Manual • Version 0.5 • July 3, 2008
Page 70 of 86 To View Data on a Nearby Turnpoint and Start Navigating to it
The Selection Box makes it easy to select a nearby airport and start navigating to it. To do so:
Press the Focus button
once or twice until the yellow box is displayed around the Selection
Use the Up
, Down
, Left and Right buttons to move the Selection Box around the
desired turnpoint. It is OK to have multiple turnpoints in the box as you will get the opportunity
to select the desired turnpoint from a list of the turnpoints that are in the box. You can pan the
map in any direction by moving the Selection Box off the edge of the map.
Press the Select button. A list of the turnpoints in the box will be displayed.
If desired, use the Left and Right buttons to switch between the WPs and SUAs tabs.
Use the Up
, Down
buttons to move through the list of turnpoints. Note that data for the
selected airport is shown at the bottom of the screen.
Press the Select button to start navigating to the selected turnpoint.