Voice commander, Voice commander settings” main functions – Pantech Matrix Pro User Manual
Page 190
Chapter 13. Applications
“Voice Commander Settings” helps you to personalize the system.
There are five major functions. They are “Contacts”, “Application”,
“Music” and “Advanced Settings”.
“Voice Commander Settings”, there is ways to start it:
Start > All Programs > More > Applications > More > Voice
Commader > Menu > Settings
1. “Contacts” Setting Page
After launching the “Voice Commander Settings”, press
Contacts. This page will list all names in the device’s contact
database and SIM card. When a new contact is created, the system will
automatically update the recognition database.
A check box will be shown in front of each name
You can use "Voice Commander" to look up unread E-mails.
When a box is checked, means the contact can be recognized
When a box is unchecked, means the contact is not in the
recognition range.
When a box is grayed and can't be checked, means the name
contains some unrecognizable characters, such as symbols or
marks. You can build a voice tag to enable it.
The default recognition database is limited to 2,000 contacts. You can
check the leading check boxes of the contacts exceeding 2,000 items to
enable additional entries.
You can rebuild the voice tag by tapping the “Rebuild” button again.
You can delete the voice tag by tapping the “Delete” button.
2. “Application” Setting Page
After running “Voice Commander Settings”, press
Menu > Application.
The setting page will list all the applications installed in the “Start” menu.
When a new application installed, the system will automatically update
the recognition database