Linksys ETHERFAST LNE100M User Manual
Page 15

1. Once you are back at the Windows Me desktop, click on your taskbar's
Start button, select Settings, then Control Panel, and then double-click
the Network icon.
2. The Network window will appear, as shown in Figure 6-5, with the
Configuration tab selected. Confirm that the components listed here are
• Client for Microsoft Networks
• Dial-Up Adapter
• Linksys LNE100M Managed Network Adapter
• TCP/IP -> Dial-Up Adapter
• TCP/IP -> Linksys LNE100M Managed Network Adapter
There may be additional components listed; however, if any of the compo-
nents shown are missing, you’ll need to manually install them. Refer to
Appendix F: Manually Installing the Network Components in Windows
98 and Me now.
3. Click the File and
Print Sharing but-
ton. The File and
Print Sharing win-
dow will appear.
Network Component Configuration
Instant EtherFast
Figure 6-5
6. Windows Me will begin copying the Adapter’s driver files onto your PC. If
Windows Me files are requested, click OK and direct Windows to the prop-
er location, e.g. C:\windows\options\install, or D:\win9x
(where “D:”
represents your CD-ROM drive).
7. If Windows asks you to supply any drivers beginning with “lne” or
“lne100m”, re-direct Windows to the Setup Utility CD-ROM (D:\drivers).
8. Windows will finish installing the software onto your PC. When the screen
shown in Figure 6-4 appears, click the Finish button.
9. When asked if you want to restart your PC, remove any disks from your PC
and click the Yes button. If Windows does not prompt you to restart, do so
manually. Click the Start button, and select Shutdown. Choose the
Restart option and click the OK button.
Figure 6-4
10/100 Managed Network Adapter