LST 0130 User Manual

Page 38

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Displaying activated actuations - menu point [Activated actuations]

Scroll through all activated actuations by using the '


'-buttons (details see from page 55 in Chapter

5.3: "Activation condition of actuations"). Note that activations of transmitting devices and of alarming
devices are displayed as activated actuations as well.


1.ALARM 0003/029

3.ACTU.ACT 0001

1.ALARM 0003/029

Figure 8:

Examples for the display of an actuation activation.
Left figure: Transmitting device Nr. 1 is activated as the first actuation.
Right figure: Actuation Nr. 1 is activated as the third actuation. Has no element text been pro-
grammed, the second line of the actuation text (if available) is displayed.


Displaying technical messages - menu point [Technical messages]

Scroll through all current technical messages by using the '


'-buttons (details see from page 56 in

Chapter 5.4: "Message condition for technical messages").

1.TECH.MSG 0005/011

Figure 9:

Example for the display of a technical message from detector zone 5, detector Nr. 11. Has no element
text been programmed, the second line of the zone text (if available) is displayed.

In this case, the '

'-button has a special function: The detector zone whose technical message is cur-

rently displayed is disabled by using this button.


Displaying fault messages - menu point [Faults]

Scroll through all current faults by using the '


'-buttons (details see from page 58 in Chapter 5.5:

"Fault-message condition").

1.ACTU.FLT 0003/018

stand-by battery

Figure 10: Example for the display of faults

Left figure: Display of a fault of actuation Nr. 3, element Nr. 18. Has no element text been pro-
grammed, the second line of the actuation text (if available) is displayed.
Right figure: Energy fault, fault of the stand-by battery. In addition to the fault cause, the name and
number of the concerning BCnet sectional control panel (=GSSnet member number) are displayed if
the fault of a part of a BCnet sectional control panel of the network fire detection control panel
BCnet216 is reported.

Faults that are detected by the control panel itself (e.g., a fault of the function of a part of the control
panel) as well as faults that are transmitted to the control panel by connected fault detectors are dis-
played in this menu point.

In this case, the '

'-button has a special function: The detector zone whose fault message is currently

displayed is disabled by using this button.


Displaying disablements - menu point [Disablements]

Scroll through all current disablements by using the '


'-buttons (details see from page 61 in Chapter

5.6: "Disablement condition").

HB216AE.SAM / 0130 / AN9161202



Chapter 4 • Basic operation of the fire detection control panels Series BC216

User Manual Series BC216 / Part A

This manual is related to the following products: