LST 7251 User Manual

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Building Safety. Building Security.
The addressable Optical Laser Smoke Detector 7251
uses the scattered light principle, and was developed
for the precise detection of smoke particles in a wide
range of applications. The modern design of the sen-
sing chamber allows to reliably evaluate the characte-
ristics of fi re.
Due to the high sensitivity of the laser detection cham-
ber, the detector is ideal for applications where an early
fi re detection is crucial:
• Computer rooms
• Clean room manufacturing
• Hospitals
• Aspiration smoke detection systems
Depending on the application, the high sensitivity of the
detector is individually adjustable in 9 steps between
0.03%/m and 3.3%/m and provides a number of spe-
cial applications, which can not be covered using stan-
dard optical smoke detectors.
An optional pre-alarm can be activated two sensitivity
levels before reaching the alarm level.
The proven ADM loop technology with System Sen-
sor/200 protocol establishes a permanent communica-
tion between the fi re detection control panel and the
detector. That ensures a periodical function testing of
the detector. In the control panel all types of fi res are
detected by continuously comparing fi re patterns.
The infl uence of contamination on the optical measu-
rement system is reduced with the help of the laser
principle and furthermore compensated for by using in-
telligent evaluation algorithms. With that, the response
sensitivity of the detector is kept constant for a long
time – a further effective step to avoid false alarms.
The two LEDs with 360° visibility indicate the activated
condition of the detector. The detector address is selec-
ted with two decadic rotary switches, thus allowing to
quickly change the detector without additional tools.
A detector function test can be conveniently conducted
using a magnet. The detector can be attached to va-
rious bases and it can be protected against theft.
• ADM loop technology with
System Sensor/200 protocol
• Up to 100 times more sensitive than
common optical smoke detectors
• Sensitivity selectable in 9 steps
• Optional pre-alarm function
• Automatic drift compensation
• Highly insensitive to contamination
• Function testable with magnet