LST 0130 User Manual
Page 10

out the reconditioning. Together with the fire prevention officer you have to determine the additional
protective measures that are to be taken until the system is fully operational again. Such measures
might include, e.g., special attention by your personnel or fire watches in the area where the fault has
Two special faults are to be emphasized:
The light-emitting diode 'POWER' is not illuminated:
If nothing else is illuminated on the control panel (e.g., when testing the displays by the function
"display test"), it is likely that the mains power, as well as the emergency power of the correspond-
ing BCnet sectional control panel are shut off. Therefore, the part of the fire detection system
which was surveilled by this BCnet sectional control panel is out of function! If the fire detec-
tion control panel only consists of one control panel BC216-1, the whole fire detection system is
out of function!
The light-emitting diode 'System fault' is illuminated or flashing:
This is a sign that important parts of the control panel BC216-1 (or with the fire detection control
panel BCnet216 the corresponding BCnet sectional control panel) are out of function. The display-
ing of events on the display is affected. But the reception of alarms from unaffected parts of the sys-
tem and their transmission to the primary transmitting device (to the fire brigade, usually), to the
primary alarming device and to the displays on the control panel will continue to work due to spe-
cial measures built into the system.
In this state of fault the control panel may not be able to distinguish between alarms of fire detector
zones, alarms of fault detector zones and technical alarms. Every alarm message is evaluated as fire
alarm message.
Further information on faults of the fire detection control panel are found from page 58 in Chapter 5.5:
"Fault-message condition".
Regular checks of the functions of the control panel and of the fire detection system by the person re-
sponsible for fire protection ensures proper functioning of the fire detection system. See from page 65
in Chapter 6.1: "Periodic function tests".
Standards, CE-labeling, approvals
The fire detection control panels Series BC216-1 correspond to the following international and national
standards, national regulations and guidelines:
EN54-1, "Fire detection and fire alarm systems - Introduction"
EN54-2, "Fire detection and fire alarm systems - Control and indicating equipment"
EN54-4, "Fire detection and fire alarm systems - Power supply equipment"
OENORM F3000, "Brandmeldesysteme"
OENORM F3001, "Brandfallsteuersysteme"
TRVB S 123, "Brandmeldeanlagen"
DIN VDE 0833-2, "Gefahrenmeldeanlagen für Brand, Einbruch und Überfall"
VdS 2203, "Ergänzende Anforderungen an prozessorgesteuerte Gefahrenmeldeanlagen"
VdS 2489, "Brandmeldesysteme, Anforderungen und Prüfmethoden"
VdS 2540, "Brandmelderzentralen, Anforderungen und Prüfmethoden"
VdS 2541, "Energieversorgungseinrichtungen, Anforderungen und Prüfmethoden"
The CE-labeling results from a guideline of the board of the European Community for the coordination
of the laws of its member states, including the mutual approval of laws. With the CE-label the manu-
facturer of the control panel confirms the observance of all relevant EMC and security regulations.
The fire detection control panels BC216-1 and BCnet216 have been approved by the test authorities in
the following states:
Austria: Prüfstelle für Brandschutztechnik des österreichischen Berufsfeuerwehrverbandes
Germany: VdS Schadensverhütung GmbH., Zertifizierungsstelle (BCnet216: pending)
HB216AE.SAM / 0130 / AN9161202
Chapter 1 • Introduction
User Manual Series BC216 / Part A